Dr.Ramesh M, has initiated his luminous academic carrier through his mentor my father
Sri. Kishan.M garu. Subsequently he launched himself into the Academic field as an Assistant Professor
in Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University in the year of 2006 to 2017 he occupied as Associate
professor and Head for Biotechnology from 2017 to till date. He did Doctoral Degree in the field of
Enzyme Engineering and molecular Biology from JNT University, Kakinada. He has been honored with
an international honorary Doctor of Science with gold medal on 20th November 2018 in recognition of
his outstanding services and contributions towards the Nation.
Dr.Ramesh M so far has successfully guided 52 M.Tech and M.Pharmacy students in
the fields of Enzyme Engineering, rDNA Technology and Immunotechnology etc. He has published
more than 62 research papers in reputed International Journals. He shared his research experience in
more than 36 podiums like conferences, workshops, seminars and symposium
About Food Technology
JNTUK is focusing more on Research Programs and need based technology. Accordingly, an independent R & D Cell has been established to promote and monitor the research Programs of the University. R & D cell is headed by a Director and supported by a coordinator and office staff. The R & D cell has an advisory board with senior faculty members.
The Directorate administers all the research Programs of the University by monitoring and coordinating the research Programs. It conducts the research review meetings to examine the quality of research being conducted by various teams. The R & D cell also recommends the sanction of research scholarships to scholars.