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Welcome Food Technology

School Of Food Technology

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada
Kakinada,Andhra Pradesh, India


1.Chemical testing laboratory (288 sq. m. area with modular furniture)

GC, HPLC – PDA, HPLC – RID, Rotary evaporator, Nitrogen evaporator, Refracto Meter, Programmable Muffle Furnace, Kejldhal Protein analyser, Water Purification system, Vacuum Oven, Hot air oven, Ultrasonic Bath, Vertex Mixer, Centrifuge, Magnetic Stirrers with Hot Plates, Analytical Balance, pH meters, Semi micro balance, Conductivity Meter, Turbidity Meter, Flash/Melting Point Apparatus, Fume Hoods, Deep Freezer, Millipore water system etc.

2. Microbiology testing laboratory (56 sq. m. area with modular furniture)

Electronic balance, Auto Clave, Laminar Air Flow hood, Water bath, Incubators, water still, pH meter, Manifold filter, Microscopes, Digital Colony counter etc.

3. Residue Lab (Phase -Ⅱ):

This lab is used to analyse antibiotics, metals in drinking water, pesticides. This lab includes ICP – MS, LC- MS/MS, GC-MS/MS. Environmental samples include water and the food samples include dry foods, fatty foods, fruits and vegetables, feeding mixtures, herbs, teas and more.

4.Training Laboratory

Muffle Furnace, Kejldhal Protein analyser, Vacuum Oven, Hot air oven, Ultrasonic Bath, Vertex Mixer, Magnetic Stirrers with Hot Plates, Analytical Balance, and pH meters, Fume Hoods, Deep Freezer, Millipore water system etc.

Following parameters of any raw material or products, are analysed:

    1. Food Adulterationtestsasper FSSAI Regulations.

    2. Composition/Constituents – Moisture, Protein, Carbohydrates, Fat, Fiber, Sugars(Titrimetry),Ash,Acid insoluble ash, SulphatedAsh, Water Soluble Ash,Calorific value(Energy)

    3. Additives–Preservatives,Sulphur dioxide.

    4. Microbial Parameters–Total plate count, Coliform, EColi, Vibrocolera, Salmonella.

    5. Physical Parameters–Extraneous Matter, Damaged Grains, Bulk Densities.


Note: Specific test will be performed as per IS / AOAC /Standards of Regulatory methods / Customer method.

The above list is only indicative and for full details/clarifications/your actual requirements, Head of Labortaory, School of Food Technology may be contacted.